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Jon Chavez
6th Grade Social Studies Teacher/ JH Football, JH Boy's Basketball, Assistant Baseball Coach
Watson Jr. High

JimElla Clemmons
WJHS Librarian/Educational Assistant
Watson Jr. High

KaLynn Coffman
4th Grade RLA Teacher
DeShazo Elementary

Kirsten Cordova
5th Grade ELAR/SS Teacher
DeShazo Elementary

Fidencio Cortez
Transportation Director

Cara Cowan
7th Grade Science/ JH Girl's Basketball & Track Coach
Watson Jr. High

Larry Cribbs
Student and Safety Coordinator
Muleshoe High School

Kamry Cribbs
MHS Vocational Ag
Muleshoe High School

Darrell Davis
MHS History/ Defensive Coordinator
Muleshoe High School

Adelle Davis
Special Education Teacher
Dillman Elementary

Jaimie Davis
5th Grade Science Teacher
DeShazo Elementary

Corbin Dawkins
MHS English Teacher
Muleshoe High School

Dora Diaz
2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher
Dillman Elementary

Bertha Diaz de Campos
WJHS Custodian

Sylvia Dominguez
Special Educational Assistant
Dillman Elementary

Pamela Doolittle
MHS Science Teacher
Muleshoe High School

Alyssa Flores
Dillman Educational Assistant
Dillman Elementary

Milenia Estrada
PK Educational Assistant
Dillman Elementary

Angelita Estrada
DeShazo Educational Assistant
DeShazo Elementary

Heather Hancock
MHS Science Teacher
Muleshoe High School